I’ve been working on talent development projects since 2018. Still, this effort kicked into a higher gear in 2020 when we received a grant to develop a Bioscience Career Launch program in our regional high schools. I’ve learned much from my colleagues and our...
FDA Guidance for Real World Data and Evidence
The collection and use of Real World Data (RWD) and Real World Evidence (RWE) is a hot topic of conversation. The number of commercially available mobile devices incorporating biosensors has increased dramatically since the first smartphone in 2007. The...
The Upside and Downside of ML, AI, and Big Data
Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash - Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash - the hands of a robot playing a keyboard using an ML program called an expert system to mimic a human performer Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data have been...
Innovation Cluster Fundamentals
Many elements combine to form a successful innovation cluster.Innovation clusters are a hot topic globally. Many observers are looking keenly at the efforts of the Washington State Department of Commerce to jump-start innovation clusters in that state. However, many...
The What, How, and Why of Innovation Clusters
You may be wondering how your local companies could work with regional partners to grow, transform, or reinvent your industry to be more competitive nationally or even globally. Perhaps you’ve recently heard some the buzz about innovation clusters, or you have seen a...
What Does CLIA Mean For Laboratory Testing?
Testing for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19), continues to be in the news, and you may hear the term CLIA in some of these conversations. CLIA refers to the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments, which are amendments to the Public Health Act...
Hot New Medical Technologies
Part 1 - Additive Manufacturing of Medical ProductsLately, it seems like science fiction has exploded into the media. From the rapid delivery of effective vaccines against SARS-COV-2 to the first civilians in space, the pace of change is dizzying. This month’s series...